Innovative DX(Digital Transformation) model.

Nursery and Afforestation Business + NFT and CO2 emissions rights.

We are working to expand beyond our normal business of selling and planting tree seedlings by also processing and selling wood and creating derivative products. In addition, we are exploring the use of NFTs to link CO2 emission rights and manage them digitally.

By enhancing the added value of tree seedlings and mature trees managed by NFTs and creating a platform for distribution, we aim to increase their investment value.

"Creation of added value through DX"

NFT Conversion of Saplings (Japaulownia growth management)

– Collaborating with major companies that are already involved in NFT initiatives, and tagging each sapling individually through NFT conversion.
– Digitizing the sapling’s growth management and the associated CO2 emission reduction (emission rights) to provide information to sales companies. An infrastructure for customers to manage growth will also be provided.

Calculation of CO2 reduction and emissions rights.

We will conduct certification agency operations that calculate the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and associated emission permits. In the future, for cases other than Sakaecho Paulownia business, we will provide consulting services as a certification agency to calculate the numbers.

CO2 emissions trading

We provide tools to assist with trading in reduction amounts (emission rights) for fast-growing paulownia, which is already dataized, by utilizing infrastructure data. We also provide trading venues for transactions already underway in municipalities, Tokyo Stock Exchange, as well as transactions with overseas stakeholders.